Tennessee Military Collectors Association (TMCA)
Interested collectors in the Middle Tennessee area formed the TMCA in 1976. The organization has two shows each year in the Nashville vicinity. Dealers come from across the United Sates and as far away as Germany and England.
TMCA members are hobbyists who collect, trade, and sell historical militaria and memorabilia. Their interests cover a wide field representing every war and nation involved with the United States from the Civil War through Operation Enduring Freedom. No political ideology is espoused.
As a member of the TMCA, you are entitled to free admission at the two militaria shows each year and discounts on display and sale tables at these shows. Additionally, only TMCA members and exhibitors are allowed attendance on Friday morning during set up and the first hours of our militaria shows, thus getting first choice on many collectibles.
Meetings and sharing information with other fellow collectors at our shows and at meetings held in Nashville is also a membership plus. You can nominate and vote for TMCA officers, which are elected for two-year terms. Keep up to date on all forthcoming club activities through the TMCA webpage: www.tmcaonline.org.
You will be updated on club news via TMCA newsletters, either by mail or the web.
Use this online membership application form and join the TMCA today!
Membership RENEWAL - 5 YEARS
- Product Code: MEMBER RENEWAL - 5YR
- Availability: In Stock
***includes a $4 debit/credit card processing fee
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