

Free Event Admission

As a member of the Tennessee Military Collectors Association ( TMCA ), you are entitled to free admission at each our Spring and Fall annual events.


Early Passes

TMCA members and exhibitors are allowed attendance on Friday morning and the first hours of our militaria shows, thus getting first choice on many collectibles. Special Life Member hours Friday 8AM-9AM and Thursday night before the start of the show (ask for details). All other members will enter the show at 9AM on Friday.


Early Table Reservations

At the end of each event our members are given an opportunity to early reserve their table for the next season show. You must be a TMCA member to rent a table or to be an exhibitor helper.


Occupancy Discounts

TMCA members gain access to early reservation onsite room discounts at Marriott for our Spring and Fall annual events.



At TMCA we provide access to special "resources" such as access to Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) club benefits,  high value ad placements, room discounts, marketing and promotions opportunities, web development referral, historical research and more.

join tennessee military collectors association

JOIN or RENEW Your Tennessee Military Collectors Association TODAY!

Online Application


Print Application